BCWWA | BC Water & Waste Association May 2023 – Penticton, BC

Start Date: May 14, 2023
End Date: May 16, 2023

Join Roshan Water™ at the 2023 BCWWA Annual Conference & Trade Show: Thriving Together Through Turbulent Waters in Penticton, BC from May 14-16. This is the premier water and wastewater event in BC, attracting delegates from across the sector. This annual event brings in over 1,000 attendees from BC, the Yukon and beyond.


The BC Water & Waste Association (BCWWA) is a not-for-profit organization that represents around 4,000 water professionals. Our members work every day to keep our water systems clean and safe – from source to tap to drain and back to the environment. The Association delivers professional development, certification, and advocacy programs and services to ensure that our water systems continue to protect public health and the environment.

Booth Number: 827

Roshan Water Technical Presentation

Listen to Amir Sohrabi, CEO and Co-founder of Roshan Water Solutions present and learn how VeloCens™ can provide a digital platform to collect, report on and historically monitor water sample collection sites and water test results.

Receiving E.coli and Total Coliform water test results in 1 hour can lead to operational improvements and cost savings.
When: May 15, 2023 from 4-4:30pm

Title: Test Water Samples for Bacteria “Anywhere by Anyone” with VeloCens™ + Fully Digital Data Management System

Portable, On-demand Microbiological Water Testing done “Anywhere by Anyone”

We will be showcasing VeloCens™ which provides test results in 1 hr!

For more information about how VeloCens™ helps you make real-time, on-site decisions about microbial content of water, please visit our VeloCens™ webpage.

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Roshan Water Solutions booth at the 2022 BCWWA trade show Roshan Water Solutions booth at the 2022 BCWWA trade show Roshan Water Solutions booth at the 2022 BCWWA trade show Roshan Water Solutions booth at the 2022 BCWWA trade show