Portable Microbiological Water Testing Lab

Millions of water quality tests are carried out daily to fulfill regulatory and legislated requirements in order to maintain citizen safety. Yet gaps remain!

Decisions about water safety are being made everyday based on data that is often a day or two old. With VeloCens™ you can monitor water quality on-site and on-demand, and determine very quickly if water is SAFE.

Citizens can be notified almost immediately if precautionary measures need to be taken.

Canadian Patent No. 3,100,245 PORTABLE DEVICE AND SYSTEM FOR RAPID DETECTION OF A BACTERIAL CELL IN FLUID SAMPLES Patent applications filed in US, Mexico, EU, UK, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand – May 4 2020
Data-based Decision Making

Real-Time, data-based decision-making about water safety with 18X improved turn-around-time

Rapid Testing

Rapid and accurate quantified E.coli and Total Coliform test results in 1 hour

Portable Unit

Portable, on-site device unit with no requirement to transport samples to a central laboratory

Simple Procedure

Simple and thorough step by step procedures prompted on the device screen make testing easy and efficient

Recyclable Consumables

Recyclable water collection and test kit supplies sent back to us for reprocessing

Automated Data Logging

Automatic logging of all water sample information (time, location, etc.) and test results into our Cloud Data Center

Online Access Anywhere

24/7/365 multi-user access to all results. Future feature to include access to maps with temporal and geographical water sample collection and test result data

Digital Chain of Custody

Use the digital Chain of Custody (COC) form to streamline the capture of sample collection information and eliminate transcription errors

How does it work?

The underlying technology of VeloCens™ is based on a very well-known electrochemical method known as Light Addressable Potentiometric Sensor (LAPS).

At its heart and the reason our device can test water samples for E.coli and Total Coliform in 1 hour, is its nanotechnology-sensor based test cartridges. The nanostructures on the sensors are engineered to selectively attract the target bacteria and are very sensitive to their activity.

Roshan Water™ follows stringent protocols to ensure VeloCens™ performance is equivalent to  that of microbiological lab equipment currently used to detect and enumerate E.coli and Total Coliform.  Our testing protocols closely followed the guidelines described in ISO 13843:2017 Water quality – Requirements for Establishing Performance Characteristics of Quantitative Microbiological Methods.

Best Fit Markets for VeloCens™
Portable Microbiological Water Testing Lab

Public Drinking Water Systems

Across North America, municipalities and other public water management operations are legislated to undertake regular E. coli and Total Coliform testing of drinking water. VeloCens™ can be added to your operations toolbox to do on-demand testing on-site.

  • Make faster decisions to alert citizens of unsafe drinking water and recreational water
  • Initiate or lift drinking water advisories on waterworks systems faster
  • Minimize downtime and return water systems to good operation as quickly as possible after infrastructure incidents such as water line breaks;
  • Reduce time and cost to transport water samples to collection points within the region or directly to labs located in larger centres
  • Eliminate water sample collection related errors with automated digital location and day/time tracking using our smart sampling bottles
Public Wastewater Treatment Systems

Wastewater treatment facilities must adhere to strict guidelines in the release of wastewater effluent whether treating sanitary sewage from homes, businesses, institutions and industries or storm water that is generated from rain or melting snow that drains off rooftops, lawns, parking lots, roads and other urban surfaces. The ability to do on-demand and rapid microbiological testing, offers new solutions to move beyond compliance and towards operational excellence.

  • Test effluent being released more frequently and proactively and get results in 1 hour to measure in real-time how much bacteria (E.coli) is present
  • Incorporate rapid microbiological test results into decision-making to adjust your wastewater treatment processes and operations in real time
Private On-Site Water and Wastewater Systems

To ensure that water from private water systems is safe to drink, they must be properly designed and regularly tested, treated, and maintained. Improperly functioning on-site wastewater treatment systems pose a risk to drinking water supplies and the environment. This is why applicable testing and inspections must be carried out during construction and commissioning of private wastewater systems. Save time using a convenient on-site, rapid microbiological testing system to ensure you are maintaining water quality standards.

  • Implement and maintain regular testing of microbiological parameters in on-site private water systems such as wells and cisterns to prevent or treat contamination in water supplies.
  • Reduce costs by commissioning wastewater treatment systems faster and saving staff time by not driving water samples to a lab. Obtain microbiological test results on-site and within 1 hour using VeloCens™.
Agriculture Irrigation Systems

For farmers growing crops in irrigation districts, managing water is a vital part of farming practices. Avoiding surface water collection in planted or ready to be seeded fields, is a pressing concern in the spring. Surface water must be tested for harmful bacteria before it can be removed from fields. And, to protect agriculture crops from contamination, farmers can monitor water quality and identify water sources that may contain pathogens. Using an on-demand, portable microbiological testing system provides accurate data to enable faster decision-making.

  • Regular monitoring regime leads to identifying problem water sources and use of only water that is free of pathogens for crop irrigation.
  • Microbiological testing of surface water can be done onsite and within 1 hour so farmers can avoid water collection in fields and irrigation districts can adhere to regulations on pumping surface water to water bodies.
  • Water quality standards are upheld by irrigation districts to protect the rivers, lakes and streams from contaminated water runoff.

Our Improvements Over Conventional Testing Methods

VeloCens™ addresses the above known issues and offers the following competitive advantages.

Standard lab equipment that performs E.coli and total coliform tests is available at environmental laboratories. In addition, there are several new technologies that are either a miniature version of standard laboratory tests or new portable devices that do not offer rapid testing.

VeloCens™ bridges the gap by enabling on-site and on-demand bacteria testing and delivering test results in one hour.

Recycle/ Reuse Plan

Our water sample test kits are consumable items.

Test kits come in a package of ten (10) with each testing one water sample for two parameters; E. coli and Total Coliform, and includes single-use plastic cartridges, plastic syringes and containers to complete 10 tests.

With our focus on environmental sustainability and minimizing our carbon footprint, we are incorporating a reuse/recycle plan into our operations from the outset.

Included in the VeloCens™ package

1 Carrier Case that includes the following items:

Why is VeloCens™ best in its category?

The practice of testing water samples for E. coli and Total Coliform is a standard practice globally and millions of samples are tested every day to ensure the safety of water. Even so, standard laboratory methods commonly used for water sample testing have some challenges.

Our Field-Testing Program

VeloCens™ product development and field-testing activities are being supported by the Alberta Innovates Water Innovation Program.

We’ve recently completed Phase 1 of our field test program which focused on product usability.

Our participants included Yellowhead County Utilities Group, Alberta Capital Region Wastewater Commission, St. Mary River Irrigation District, and an environmental consulting company, JA Building Services.

We are currently expanding our participant group for Phase 2 field tests which will take place from approximately mid-February to April 2021.

During this phase, participants will perform up to 10 tests on-site at their facility over a one to two-week time period as pre-arranged with us.

This is an opportunity to be at the forefront of the development of a new, on-demand water testing tool to add to your water management toolkit.

If you are interested in participating in our Field Test program, please also complete the form below.

Begin your Quote

Please fill out this short form to receive a quote for a VeloCens™ device. Your quote will take between 2-5 business days to complete.

Our testing protocols closely followed the guidelines described in ISO 13843:2017 Water quality – Requirements for Establishing Performance Characteristics of Quantitative Microbiological Methods to quantify the most important performance characteristics of our system.